Managed Services

Like organizational guideposts, managed IT services ensure resources are properly routed and always available. But that isn’t enough—the entire process depends on efficient yet thoughtful optimization for the highest ROI and business value.

Move the mission forward with mature managed services.

Mature managed services leverage shared infrastructure and business processes to deliver secure, scalable outcomes at reduced cost. We provide cloud operations, business as a Service (XaaS), financial operations, Service Level Agreement or Operational Level Agreement (SLA/OLA) transparency and compliance, comprehensive support services, and outsourced operations to maximize business value.

Our Services

Business value is a measurement of success for managed services. We deliver comprehensive, outsourced, full lifecycle optimized business process and business process reengineering services, and tailor implementations through purposeful technology choices.

Software as a Service (SaaS) and Platform as a Service (PaaS) solutions must meet end users’ changing needs. SaaS and PaaS customers require adaptable functionality that constantly delivers value.

We package technology solutions and expert services into holistic managed services grounded in Service Level Agreements (SLAs) and Operating Level Agreements (OLAs) to meet and exceed customer expectations and requirements. Value-based service delivery allows us to deliver functionality as a Service (XaaS) but also overall cloud, contact center, and software development managed services.

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and AI/ML platforms reduce toil, increase efficiency, and reduce delivery costs.

From our point of view, the most efficient business process is achieved through a thoughtful assessment of needs. Tailored automation enables us to automate processes that require the most precision or are the most labor burdensome, reducing costs while increasing quality and efficiency of services delivered.

We use journey mapping within human centered design principles, to:

  • Itemize bottlenecks or areas for optimization.
  • Prioritize an approach to automation/optimization.
  • Measure the efficacy of the process optimization.
  • Put ongoing measures in place to ensure quality continually improves as process optimizations and automations occur.

Our Work in Action


In the News:
Health Information Exchange (HIE) as a Service: Pennsylvania Patient and Provider Network


Our Approach:
Business Process Automation through Modern Software Factory

How can we help?

There’s always a solution. We have the innovative solution. We look forward to connecting with you!

Cognosante wants to work with you

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